Jumat, 22 Juli 2016

Wagon Ride!

My raiser took my on my very first wagon ride recently, complete with an "up close sniffing" with her horse - thats right, I got to MEET the horse!!
"Patches" was very friendly and I really enjoyed meeting her; Im thinking I may ask fur my very own horse when my birthday roles around!
The wagon ride was soo fun, and my raiser did an amazing job at both driving AND controlling me... with no help from others!
It was a great experience, and now I can brag about it to the other guide dog puppies :)

I want to apologize for not visiting any of you guys recently, Ive been super busy lately and I hope that my raiser & Is schedule settles down some, but knowing her busy life... that will never happen!
So even if Im not commenting on or visiting your blog, I do love you guys and hope to be reading about some of your adventures soon!

Enjoy the pictures below,


Mommy, can I sniff it???
Picture of Brandon staring at the horse (Patches) & wagon, my sister is holding the horse and a farm visitor is also beside her

Let me touch it...

Picture of Brandon trying to decide whether to sniff Patches or not

She smells like a horse...
Movie of Brandon sniffing Patches
*Please note that Patches has been introduced to "new" dogs many a times, and doesnt mind them at all (shes a petting zoo horse) - so this is/was old news to her and we were not worried  or unsure (at anytime) that Brandon may "spook" or "scare" her.

OMD, shes the size of King Kong!

Picture of Brandon staring up at Patches

FINALLY, my wagon ride :)
Picture of Brandon & I sitting on the wagon (aka: the buckboard)

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