Sabtu, 16 Juli 2016

Pictureless Wednesday

I was planning this furry nice post, complete with LOTS of pictures from our Monday shopping trip... all for me to find out that my raiser FURGOT the camera :(  We went all over the place Monday doing Christmas shopping (my longest shopping trip yet) and we even passed lots of furry cool mirrors, yet we couldnt get a single picture, cause she furgot the camera.
Humans, you just cant count on them.
So instead of showing you how the shopping trip went, Im just gonna have to tell you all about it.
I of course did wonderful, throughout the entire shopping trip (dont I always!), but I did have to remind my raiser a few times to "ignore it" when she found some things she really liked. (Were not Christmas shopping fur yourself, you know).
My raiser said I walked perfectly beside her while shopping, and whenever she stopped to look at something, I just laid down beside her feet, until I was told "forward" again.
I met lots of people while out shopping, everybody wanted to pet me (duh...) but my raiser had to make sure I held a sit-stay while I was being petted (which I did quite well at), remember the saying "four on the floor" (no jumping on people).
I even met some furry nice people while in Target, and one of the humans I met, said his first dog was named Brandon, what can I say... its a furry good name!
My raiser has been furry busy with Christmas shopping, but she did tell me that she didnt furget about me, and that Ill be getting LOTS of gifts on Christmas.
Im furry sorry there are no pictures in this post, maybe next time...

- Brandon

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