Rabu, 13 Juli 2016


Brandon has been quite busy lately; and has a WHOLE lot of updating to do - but fur now Ill update you on Brandons shopping experience...
For just having Brandon for a little over 1 week, he has really been busy going places. Not only did he attend college classes with me; and some random stores around us - he took a trip with (some) of my family & I, to go surprise some awesome friends of ours, that were a few states away.
Brandon & I stayed at their house for a few days (he did GREAT!) and we did a LOT of shopping while we were there. He went to a HUGE mall with us, and went in about every store imaginable! Of course Brandon is a little young to be doing lots of walking, so he was carried from store to store - but once we went into a store, he was put on the ground to do a "little" bit of exploring. Leaving all the distractions alone, Brandon did amazingly well!
We also went down-town shopping were our friends lived, and Brandon got to visit cute jewelry shops, clothing stores, museums and much more!
All in all, Brandon is doing wonderful with his training, and has met more people than I can count!

Brandons Raiser

What Brandon does best while I shop: SLEEP!

Picture of Brandon sleeping on the floor - far in front of him is some jewelry

Picture of Brandon sleeping on the floor; while one of my friends holds a pair of blue earrings beside him - doesnt seem like Brandon cares much! But hey, they do match his coat!

Picture of Brandon sleeping in the shopping buggy - behind him you can see the CANDY section! (My boy knows how to shop!)

Picture of Brandon sitting up in the buggy; behind him you can see aisles of food

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