Senin, 25 Juli 2016

Brandon Updates!

*(Written by Brandons Raiser)*
I apologize for the lack of posts and updates.  I hope all of you guys had a wonderful 2012, and a very Happy New Year!!
Ive received Brandons first 3 report cards (November, December, and January) and hes continuing to do well with his training down at the school.  
Brandon was in "phase 1" of training for the first 2 months, but shown on his 3rd report card, hes now moved into "phase 2" of training (there is a total of 3 phases).  I thoroughly enjoy reading the comments that are left by the trainer about Brandon, and greatly appreciate that they include them! 
I do hope that Brandon continues to do well with his training, and Im looking forward to receiving his next report card.
Below are his first 3 report cards, and again Im so sorry for the lack of posts and updates!

- Brandons Raiser

Brandons First Report Card
Trainer comments from first report card: "Brandon is a bundle of joy, always happy and ready to make everyone smile with his goofy personality. This past month, he has been learning how to stop for curbs and make right and left hand turns. He loves to explore the world with his nose, but he has been learning to focus on his work. He thoroughly enjoys running and playing in the fields with his roommate!"
Brandons Second Report Card
Trainer comments from second report card: "This past month, Brandon has been introduced to suggestive turns, off-curb travel, and obstacle clearances. He is happy and energetic as always and thoroughly enjoys learning new commands. When Brandon isnt out training, he loves to be a part of our Canine Enrichment Program solving puzzles. He is enthusiastic when it comes to work and play!" 

Brandons Third Report Card
Trainer comments from third report card: " This past month, Brandon has been busy all around town. He has worked in the malls, escalators, stairs, and country travel. Brandon is always happy, ready to work and take life at full charge. We are working at patience and responsibility, but he is showing improvements daily."


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