Kamis, 21 Juli 2016

Career Changed

*(Written by Brandons raiser)*

I received the devastating news Wednesday morning, that Rudy was career changed. I know I kept reminding you guys, that no matter how far any dog gets in their training phase (even once theyre placed with a blind person) there is always a chance the dog could be career changed. (Some dogs just "develop" something out of the blue - which I assume, is what Rudy did), but it still came as a sudden shock to me.
Below is the email I found in my inbox:

Subject: Rudy was career changed this morning
"Hi there
I have just heard that Rudy has been career changed due to “general anxiety”. His fears mean that he can’t be considered for any service dog role – and he will be made available for adoption. I know this is always tough to hear – but for some of these puppies we raise – there are other plans for them.

Because you were his raiser – I want to see if you are interested in adopting him yourself. If so – let me know and we can probably arrange transport after WAT.

But you are not obligated at all – and if you can’t adopt him – the adoption program at the school is amazing with a long list of folks waiting to love on these dogs.

Please let me know what you decide.

With love and thanks again for all you meant for Rudy.

It broke my heart to read this email, and it was extremely hard to email my Area Coordinator back, saying Im unable to adopt Rudy.
Yes, I would LOVE to have him back, but I cant both adopt him & continue raising puppies (not enough room...).
I know Rudy will be placed in a loving home, but you dont know how hard it was for me to hear this news.
Rudy LOVED to work, he adored it; I think he enjoyed shopping out in the mall MORE than I ever did (I never could handle large crowds, but boy he was amazing at it!).
Im still so shocked that he was career changed, more for the fact that it was for something hes never shown signs of before.
I know, it can happen at any time, for any reason; but it still hurts.
It makes it even harder, since I just received a new report card the day before (Tuesday), which I would have been posting this week, with a note that I hope he gets matched in the next class (coming up in just a few weeks).
I will keep you updated on ANY news I hear about him; if you didnt understand in the email I included above, Rudy will be adopted out, and not be evaluated for another career path (due to the reason he was career changed).
-Brandon & Rudys Raiser
I miss my handsome & sweet boy!
Picture of Rudy & I sitting on the sidewalk, with lots of traffic in the background (puppy meeting)

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