Minggu, 31 Juli 2016

Top 15 Dog Training Tips For a Long Lasting Friendship

This is it! The top 15 dog training tips for the ever wanted long-lasting friendship with your dogs. Every relatives ought to have a dog, and each dog ought to have a relatives but, because the relationship between a dog and his master involves compromise, training becomes a priority - and the following 15 dog training tips ought to show very useful in this regard:

15 Dog Training Rules - The Grounds of a Long Lasting Friendship
A well-trained dog leads a happier and healthier life both for its owner and for itself. Dog Training can cover a range of things, from training of basic obedience, house and toilet training, and more advanced training techniques - these are all essential when raising a dog.

1. Canines only recognize master, so one time you assume such an important role, make positive you live up to your obligations regarding both your dogs needs and training. You ought to be the who gives him orders, feeds him and cleans after him.

dog training tips for long lasting friendship2. like people, canines need stability, so one time you bring home, set up designated spaced for him where he can sleep, eat, play or toilet.

Actual Training
3. Make up a every day schedule (feeding, playing, training) and stick to it. System is a dog trainers best mate.

4. Teach your dog the meaning of "good" and "bad". It is probably the most important of these dog training rules, as it is going to affect the whole system. You can do it by associating the words together with his actions. Praise him every time he does something lovely and admonish him when he does not obey, using the same words every time. After some time, he will be able to make the difference.

dog training tips for long lasting friendship5. Make positive training instruments are used for their original purpose only. In the event you use them for punishments, your dog will fear them, and in the event you play with them, he wont take training seriously.

6. Take your dog out to the park, to places where he can be surrounded by other canines and animals. It will help him socialize and you will avoid disagreeable surprises.

Dog Psychology
7. Try to keep away from strong emotions or conflicts. Canines are bad at controlling their reactions, so in the event that they are excited, they might toilet in the wrong places, while in the event that they are angry, they might bite the wrong hand.

8. Do not punish your dog with no reason, when you are angry or stressed. They might associate your state with pain and even try to defend himself.
dog training tips for long lasting friendship
9. Always keep in mind that training takes time and each dog is different. Whether you follow these 15 dog training tips or 50, patience ought to be a constant ingredient. Results dont come overnight.

10. Make your training simple and progressive. Start with toilet training and simple commands like "sit", and continue gradually until your dog reaches its maximum potential.
dog training tips for long lasting friendship
11. Plan your training according to your dogs capacity. Exercises involving strength and resistance ought to only start after the age of six months.

12. While training, take regular breaks for rest and playing. Keep in mind that, like kids in school, canines in training need breaks to concentrate better and learn faster.

13. If your dog refuses to obey your commands, do not insist. Keep in mind: sometimes, canines are like kids: you cannot get them to listen. It does not mean they are slow or deaf, that they dont feel like being told what to do.
dog training tips for long lasting friendship
14. Maintain equilibrium between what you ask your dog to do and what you give in return. Reward his successes and be kind to him, but do not spoil him.

15. Keep in mind that these 15 rules are guidelines you can use to generate your own. Canines and masters are never similar, so you need to discover what works for you and your dog and apply it.

It is excellent that you show interest in your dogs schooling, but keep in mind that no matter method of training you follow, results can only be obtained in the event you gain your dogs confidence and get to know him, keep doing it to achieve the top 15 dog training tips for a long-lasting friendship with your dogs ^_^

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016

Growing Up

*Wriiten by Pal*
It seems as though Ive never done a thing with this blog... my raiser didnt bother to give me a "blogging 101" class, so this is totally new to me.
I hate that neither of us have updated recently, so Ive decided to dive right in and take over.
For all who dont know, Im Pal... my raisers newest guide dog in training. I was born in March last year and met my sweet raiser in June. Im currently 10 months old, and growing up quickly! 
Im a quick learner and extremly treat motivated... so if there is food or attention involved, Im in! 
Hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. 
Stay tune and I promise to update more often! 

-Love and kisses

Enjoy the pictures of me, and I know Im super cute :)

My raiser and I with a few others during a puppy meeting.

My Raiser and I inside a mall for a puppy meeting

Me doing a down-stay during a meeting

Kamis, 28 Juli 2016

Training Dogs The Easy Way

There are lots of dog coaching methods which you can pick from with regards to the way you can train a dog, but this time you can train your dog the easy way. Theres also lots of dog coaching professionals that you can visit and plenty of dog training schools that you can enroll your pup in. You need to think about which process of how to train a dog will probably be best for you and your pup. Some may think process is better than the other. Other people think that there is process which will work on canines. But it depends on particular factors affecting both the dog and naturally, the master.

Naturally, canines need to their masters. That is the reason why canines are thought about to become mans greatest mate and best operating partner. Theres lots of jobs that canines can participate in. Whether you would like a contest champion or a calm companion while watching Tv, you need to make sure that you train your dog nicely.
training dogs the easy way
The easy way of training dogs
Factor that you need to keep in mind is your dog does not speak your language. That means you need to discover to speak theirs. Of coursework, you dont must appear dull and learn how to bark and howl. In the event you need to discover how to train a dog, you need to make sure that you and your dog have a connection. This connection is important in order for you to build the foundations of a relationship. It is also important that you spend some time together with your dog. Observe how he behaves when you interact with him, when he is alone and when he is with other canines. Take note of your dogs posture, how his ears look like and his tail. These are a quantity of the important indicators of dogs feelings aside from the vocal sounds that he makes. Ultimately, you will have the ability to understand how your dog feels with look at him. And you may even reply to what he is trying to tell you together with your own body language.

training dogs the easy way
Training dogs the easy way
In learning the way you can train a dog, you must know that the coaching is and a process of communication together with your pet. In the event you had to observe to discover how your dog behaves, then he must also get utilized to some commands that will be able to tell him what you need and the way you feel about things. You need to give brief and clear commands to your dog and not long sermons. Keep in mind that your dog does not speak your language. So you need to compromise with him and come up with some kind of language between the of you. Give direct commands. Your tone of voice will also help him recognize the command. Be consistent together with your commands, your tone of voice and your hand signals. Consistency is of the most essential things when it comes to the way you can train a dog. It is vital that your dog knows which you mean what you say and wont take you lightly. This will also assist establish that you are the "alpha male" in the pack and not the dog. This is imbibing discipline inside your dog.

Theres three things that you need to keep in mind in training a dog - consistency, timing along with a positive attitude. In the event you can master these, then you can be sure that you will have a well-trained dog in your home. Cmon now, tell me this isnt the easy way of training dogs?

Halloween safety for your pooch

Halloween safety for your pooch
I celebrate Halloween by dimming the lights and cuddling with my dog Lulu as Charlie Browns pal Linus waits in vain for the Great Pumpkin on TV. Like poor Linus, we are part of a shrinking minority. The National Retail Federation estimates that consumers will spend a record $8 billion on Halloween festivities this year. Thats a lot of Whoppers, M&Ms and Snickers bars. Pet owners will spend a whopping $370 million on costumes for the pets alone.

Smile! Youre on Canine Camera!
Seth Casteel never expected his photos of dogs to make a big splash, but then again, he never expected one of his canine clients to jump into a pool during a shoot.

Curb the doggie drama in your life
As a child, I hated playing outside. Even when we lived in picturesque Hawaii, my mom would send all the kids outdoors to play and I spent the time whining at the front door. Years later, my dog Lulu does the same thing. Once she has finished doing her business, Lulu sits by the door howling to come back inside.

Dog training basics

Dog training basics - preventing unwanted urination

Problems with inappropriate urination are some of the most commonly encountered by dog owners. As a matter of fact, inappropriate urination and defecation is the most frequently cited reason that owners surrender their animals to shelters.

Before you can address problems with inappropriate urination, it is important to understand the basis of the problem. There are several reasons why dogs lose control of their bladders, and it is important to know the root cause of the problem before it can be properly addressed.

Problem #1 - Excitement Urination
Dogs often urinate when they become overly excited, and dogs that are otherwise perfectly house-broken sometimes show their excitement by dribbling urine when greeting you excitedly. It is normal for some dogs to urinate when they get excited, and this can be a particular problem for many older dogs. A lot of excitement induced urination occurs in young puppies, and it is caused by a lack of bladder control. The puppy may not even know he is urinating, and punishment will simply confuse him. Becoming angry with the puppy will quickly cause excitement urination to morph into submissive urination, thus compounding the problem.

As the puppy gets older and develops better bladder control, this type of excitement urination should disappear. The best cure for excitement urination is prevention. Preventing your dog from becoming over excited is the best way to control this problem behavior. If your dog is excited by a particular stimulus or situation, it is important to repeatedly expose him to that situation until it no longer causes excessive excitement.

Problem #2 - Submissive Urination
Submissive urination is a natural part of pack behavior among animals like dogs and wolves. The submissive member of the pack shows his or her submissiveness by lowering itself and urinating. Since dogs are pack animals, they may show their submissiveness to their owner, who they regard as the pack leader, by exhibiting this submissive urination. Dogs who exhibit submissive urination are usually showing their insecurity.

Unsocial zed and previously abused dogs often exhibit submissive urination. These dogs need to be shown that there are more appropriate ways to express their submissive status, such as shaking hands or licking the owners hand. The best way to deal with submissive urination problems is often to ignore the urination. Trying to reassure the dog can give the mistaken impression that you approve of the behavior, while scolding the dog can make the submissive urination worse.

Correcting problems with submissive urination should be directed at building the dogs confidence and teaching him other ways to show his respect. Teaching the dog to lift his paw, sit on command, or similar obedience commands, is a great way to direct the dogs respect in a more appropriate direction.

Problems with urination are not always easy to deal with, but it is important to be consistent, and to always reward acceptable behavior on the part of the dog. When urination problems do occur, it is always a good idea to first rule out any medical conditions that could be causing those problems. Medical issues like bladder infections can be the root cause of problems with unwanted urination. After any medical problems have been ruled out, it is important to determine what is causing the problem, and treat it appropriately.

While it can be tempting to punish the dog for inappropriate elimination, doing so will only confuse and further intimidate him.

The next post will discuss training your dog for proper dog behavior.

A bizarre killing case in Belize

A bizarre killing case in Belize
A dead neighbor. Headless dogs. And a millionaire on the run. All set against a backdrop of spectacular tropic beauty.

Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

Dog has his own seeing eye dog

Dog has his own seeing-eye dog
CNN photojournalist John Torigoe introduces you to Issac, a blind dog, and his friend Isabella who guides him.

Political dog tale duel
In the RidicuList, Anderson Cooper examines which candidates dog tale will have a greater election impact.

Israeli PM to Turkey: Sorry for 2010 flotilla raid
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu phoned Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan on Friday to apologize for a 2010 Israeli commando raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla that killed several Turkish activists, the Israeli and Turkish governments confirmed.