Minggu, 26 Juni 2016

Rudy Update!

Seems like Im getting updates all over the place about Rudy! (Which is totally fine by me).
I just received a letter from SEGDI, with Rudys harness picture in it.
Rudy has grown up so much, and looks very handsome - and Im so proud to be his raiser!
I also received a short letter & certificate (seen below), but of course, all I care about is the picture :)
He looks very happy, which is a relief - as my other pups always had that "sad" face in the harness photo.

Rudys Raiser

Picture of Rudy in a sit-stay in harness at the school - wonderful photo, that shows how handsome Rudy really is!

Short letter thanking me for being a puppy raiser

Certificate of appreciation

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