Rabu, 22 Juni 2016

Brandon Update

*(Written by Brandons Raiser)*
Hey guys! Im so sorry its taken me so long to give yall an update, I know you guys are all worried about Brandon (just as much as I am) but Ive been waiting to give an update about Brandon, since we still dont know whats wrong with him.
So Im including in this post just about all I currently know about Brandon (which isnt much!).
Please know in advance that not only are we not sure whats wrong with Brandon... but Im not great with understanding all these technical terms/tests... and may miss use/type one!
Lets start with last Wednesday:
Brandon had an appointment with a Specialist on March 7th, shortly after he had an ultra sound down, they soon decided (after getting permission from the guide dog school) that theyd like to do further tests on Brandon and wanted him to stay there for a few days. Brandon is STILL currently being boarded at the Specialist and has been there since last Wednesday. They also determined that something didnt look right on his liver, and wanted to do more tests on that too.
Thursday: We got the results back for his "BUN #" which showed he had a REALLY low BUN number and they were afraid he had a serious liver issue (thinking it might be "liver shunts") so theyd do a "Bile acids test and liver ultra sound to determine if a liver shunt/etc is his problem.
* If Brandon did have a serious issue with his liver (or "liver shunts") he would most likely have to be released from the program*
Saturday: The test results came back from his Bile acids test normal, which means Brandon doesnt have a liver issue or liver shunt, though this was quite exciting to hear (since Id rather him not be released from the program) I also am quite worried that we now have no idea whats wrong with him. We were told we wouldnt know more until Tuesday, which his personal vet gets back in town & can determine were well go from here.
Tuesday: Brandons personal vet called on Tuesday (yesterday) to explain what the next steps will be. We are now back to square one and considering all our options (thinking it could be a serious infection... that wasnt noticed on all the tests). They will be starting Brandon on a more "powerful" antibiotic, decreasing his water intake (even creating a schedule for him), and monitoring him closely. The vet got permission from the guide dog school to board/keep Brandon there till (at least) Friday, so they can see how this works.

So thats the update about Brandon and thats really all I know at the moment... We still dont have any clue whats wrong with Brandon, but Im going to hope/pray/keep my fingers crossed that the few things they are trying now will work.
Thank you for thinking about Brandon, being concerned, praying for him, crossing paws/fingers and PLEASE continue all this :)
I seriously thought after the Thursday results, that I would soon be doing a post on here saying Brandon was released from the program... but decided to wait a few more days to make sure. Then after finding out the Saturday test results, I thought Brandon might still have a chance.
So as you may have noticed, things can change in a matter of just a few days... Im just going to hope it keeps changing for the better!
If all goes well, Brandon should be coming back this Friday, but Ill be sure to keep you guys all updated!
-Brandons Raiser

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