Rabu, 08 Juni 2016

My First Puppy Meeting

I attended my very first puppy meeting last week, and though I didnt know many of the commands... I still enjoyed my first meeting!
My raiser was impressed with how well I did at the meeting, and she liked how I maintained myself when I was near other doggies (meaning - I didnt go crazy like some of the other doggies did).
Im looking forward to my next meeting, and my raiser hopes that I will have a understanding of a few more doggy commands, I told her I that Ill learn them in my own time!
Furry kisses to you all and thanks fur stopping by!!

Oh, BTW - enjoy the furry awesome photos below!!


Picture of Brandon doing a down-stay

Picture of Brandon coming (was in a sit-stay - but I then used the come command)

One of the first pictures of my sweet (and awesome) Raiser with me!!
Picture of Brandon & I sitting on the ground together; one of the first pictures of my sweet puppy and I! (never really got a chance for us to be together in a picture - while looking at the camera!)

Picture taken from a different angle - which makes Brandon appear quite larger than he his (photo of his sitting beside me)

The End...
End view of Brandon

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