Senin, 15 Agustus 2016

Work Time!

Hey guys, Im finally back to blogging! (fur now anyways...)
My raiser just wanted to make sure I was feeling my best, before I got back into the "blogging world" and she has finally given me the go ahead!
A quick update on my medical situation:
Most of my readers have seen the previous posts, keeping you updated on whats been going on with me (I spent 9 days at at Specialist - due to urinary issues Ive been having - and all the tests/etc they did on me, including the results of all).
Ive now been on these super duper antibiotics for 1 week & 3 days now for my UTI, each day is quite different. Some days Ill be doing great and can "hold it" for around 2 hours, but other days I have to go out every 15 minutes (my raiser is just very thankful that its not the "every 5 min" as it was before I went to the Specialist). 
My raiser did talk with the school, and they agree (along with my raiser) that I should continue my daily dose of antibiotics, in hopes that Ill show drastic improvement over the course of the next week or so. But fur now, we are just hoping & praying that Ill stop having the issues all together :)
Back to the post now...

Our guide dog groups Area Coordinator (AC) told my raiser too try & keep my outings to a minimum for a little while, due to the fact that Id been in a kennel for the past 9 days, I may have brought some bad habits home with me (nah...), and we wouldnt want to stress the cute puppy too much, while Im trying to recover.
So my raiser has been very careful on how many outings she takes me on and tries not to over do it.
Shes still been having me attend college classes/church with her, but is slowly building me up to more "regular" outings/etc (like shopping).
My raiser has been taking me out with her to quite a few places recently and has been very impressed with how well Im doing (under the circumstances...). My raisers sister tagged along to one of our last shopping trips, to not only grab some pictures of me working... but also to give me the chance to work with another person.

Im so sorry its been so long since Ive posted, and I know my raiser did a horrible job at keeping you guys updated... and visiting all of you :)
Please continue to hope, cross paws/fingers & pray that I keep on the recovery path and enjoy the shopping pictures below!


Picture of Brandon & I doing a slow forward in "Mary Joes" (fabric store), Brandon is doing a great job at keeping a loose leash!
Picture of Brandon in a down-stay inside Mary Joes, with me standing beside him

Picture of Brandon & I, again doing a forward walk inside Mary Joes - Brandon is still maintaining a loose leash!

Picture of Brandon in a down-stay beside my sister at Best Buy; they did a great job working together... with me there to distract him!

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