Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016

Where was I

Okay, no I wasnt... but my raiser and her human friends were :)
(answering the question from my previous post)

Picture of Brandon & I at the roller skating rink; Brandon is in a down-stay on the colorful carpet, and Im standing beside him on skates

I still dont get why my raiser wouldnt let me skate WITH her, but I did enjoy having kids skate over to pet me!

(Movie of Brandon at the skating rink, lots of kids are skating by him (on the carpet), and a few pet Brandon as they "skate" by)

My raiser was happy to have me with her, since shes yet to expose me to a skating rink, I wasnt to fond of the idea of my raiser skating away - and me having to be in a down-stay, but she did come back fur lots of visits! (and photos).
Over all, I had an AWESOME time and it was a furry great exposure for a guide dog in training! Its kinda hard maintaining a sit-stay (or just staying calm) when lots of kids are skating by :)

Make sure to keep your eye (or nose) out fur my next post... it will be so furry cool, being all about another guide dog in training I met today (instead of a "play date" us guide dog pups call it a "work date"!), my & the other doggys raiser met at the mall, and let us 2 doggies work together.

Have a furry great weekend!!

Picture of Brandon in a stand-stay while kids skate by him to go on the rink
Picture of Brandon in a sit-stay beside the skating rink, you can see some skaters in the back ground

?I still dont get you guys thought I was at the V-E-T office??? I mean, that is sooo obviously the skating carpet...?
Picture of Brandon in a sit-stay on the cool colorful carpet

One more movie fur good measure :)
(Movie of Brandon watching people skate on the rink)

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