Minggu, 28 Agustus 2016

Most Popular Dog Names

One of the fun parts of getting a pet is picking out a name. In the late 1990’s, Elmo was a very popular name, with kids taking a role in the naming and the Sesame Street character being at the peak of his popularity at the time. Buddy, an ever popular name became even more so with the release of “Air Bud,” a movie about a basketball-playing golden retriever. Disney princesses Jasmine and Arielle have also dubbed their fair share of dogs.
Other less common dog names have included ones given human names such as Jennifer or Mike.

While some people enjoy naming their pets something less common, there are several names that have been long-standing classics, and many that have maintained their popularity over the past ten years. According to www.bowwow.com/au, a website all about pet names that gathers data based upon the printing of identification tags for tens of thousands of pets, the top ten male dog names in the US of late include: Max, Jake, Buddy, Bear, Bailey, Shadow, Sam, Lucky, Rocky and Buster, while the top ten female dog names are: Maggie, Bear, Molly, Shadow, Lady, Sadie, Lucky, Lucy, Daisy and Brandy.

Paired dog names are also fun like Laverne and Shirley, Heckle and Jeckle, Romeo and Juliet and Peaches and Cream. Other popular pairs mentioned on Bowwow.com/au include: Back and Forth, Beauty and Beast, Coco and Chanel, Duke and Duchess, Itsy and Bitsy, Lady and Tramp, Mumbo and Jumbo, Sugar and Spice and Zig and Zag.
Further, some pet owners i know chosen funny names for their pets, including a large bulldog named Tiny, very small dogs named Spike or Killer, a smooth dog named Fluffy and a solid black dog named Spot.
Whatever name you choose for your dog, it is likely to bring something to mind for you and everyone who meets your pet. Just one of the fun parts of having a pet, naming your dog is a great way to get creative and have that creativity last for many years to come!

Dog training Keeping Your Dog Motivated

Keeping the attention of a dog while training is not always easy.
Dogs can be easily distracted, and it is important to not allow the training sessions to be sabotaged by boredom. Making training fun for the dog and the human alike is vital to creating a happy, well adjusted and well trained dog.

Providing random positive stimuli during the day is a great way to keep the interest of the dog. Doing things the dog enjoys, like walking in the park, riding in the car, and playing with other dogs, is a great way to keep the dogs attention and reward him for small successes. For instance, in order to reward the dog for coming to you, for instance, ask the dog to come to you, without giving any clues about a walk, a car ride, or other treats. After the dog has come to you and obediently sat down, attach the leash and start the reward.

This can be either the aforementioned walk in the park, ride in the car, or anything else the dog likes to do. Providing some kind of reward, whether a treat, a special outing, or just a scratch behind the ears, every time the dog does something you want, is a great way to keep your dog motivated. If the dog knows something great is going to happen every time he obeys your command, he will be motivated to please you every time.

Distraction training
When training any dog, it is important to not let distractions disrupt the training. The dog must be taught to ignore distractions, such as other people, other dogs, other animals and loud noises, and focus on what is being taught These types of distractions can even be used as rewards when training the dog to come when called. For instance, if your dog enjoys playing with other dogs, whether in a local dog park or with the neighbors dogs, let him play freely with those other dogs. Then go into the park or yard and call your dog. When he comes to you, provide lots of praise, treats and other rewards, then immediately allow the dog to go back to playing with his friends.

Repeat this several times and praise the dog each time he comes to you. The dog will quickly learn that coming to you means good things (treats and praise) and not bad ones (being taken away from the park). If the dog does not master this particular type of training right away, try not to get discouraged. So called distraction training is one of the most difficult things to teach.

Dogs are naturally social animals, and breaking away from the pack is one of the most difficult things you can ask your dog to do. Most dogs will be understandably reluctant to leave their canine companions, but it is important to persist.

Training the dog to come to you may require some creativity on your part at first. For instance, waving a favorite toy, or a lure, is a great way to get your dogs attention and put the focus back on you. If your dog has been clicker trained, a quick click can be a good motivator as well. Once the dog begins to get the hang of coming when called, you can begin to reduce and eliminate the visual cues and focus on getting the dog to respond to your voice alone.

It is important that the dog respond to voice commands alone, since you will not always have the availability of a toy or other lure.

Training your dog not to chase people, bicycles, joggers, etc.
Dogs by nature are predatory animals, and all predatory animals share the motivation to chase fleeing objects. While this may be a natural instinct, it is not appropriate when those fleeing objects are joggers, bicyclists or the mailman.

Training the dog not to chase people and bicycles is an important thing to do, and it is best to start that training as early as possible. Starting when the dog is still small and non-threatening is important, particularly with breeds that grow very large, or with breeds that have a reputation for being very aggressive.

Many people respond to being chased by a dog, especially a large dog, with understandable fear, and it is best for yourself and your dog that he be trained not to chase before he reaches a threatening size.

Some dogs are easier to train away from chasing than others. Breeds that have been used for hunting or herding often retain much more of their chasing instincts than other types of dogs, for instance. No matter what breed of dog you are working with, however, it is important to not allow him off the leash until his chasing behavior has been curbed. Allowing an untrained dog off the leash is dangerous, irresponsible and illegal.

Before you expose your dog to a situation where he will want to chase someone or something, be sure to train him in a safe, controlled area like a fenced in yard. It is important for the dog to be able to focus and concentrate on you, and for him to understand what behavior you want. The dog must be given the opportunity to repeatedly perform the behavior you want while in this controlled setting.

The training session should be started indoors in the dogs home.
The dog should be put on a leash and the owner and the dog should stand at one end of a hallway or a room. The owner then waves a tennis ball in front of the dog but does not allow him to touch it. After that, the tennis ball is rolled to the other end of the hallway or the room, and the command "Off" is used to tell the dog not to chase the ball. If the dog starts out after the ball, use the command "Off" once again and give a firm tug on the leash.

When doing this type of training, it is vital that the dog not be allowed to touch the ball. If he actually reaches the ball, he may think that "Off" means to get the ball. This exercise should be repeated several times, until the dog has learned the meaning of the "Off" command. When the dog responds correctly by not chasing the ball, he should be rewarded with a special treat. After the dog seems to understand his new game, move to another room and try the same thing. Repeat the exercise in several rooms of the house, in the garage, etc. After the dog has seemingly mastered the game and learned the meaning of the "Off" command, you can work with him without the leash, but still only in a safe area like your own home or a fenced in yard.

It may take some time for the dog to fully master control of his chasing instinct, and it is important not to rush the process, or to leave the dog off leash until you are sure he is fully trained. To test the training in the real world, enlist the assistance of a friend to pose as a jogger. It is important that the dog does not see and recognize this person; he has to assume that it is a stranger in order for the test to be valid. Stand with the dog on his leash and have your friend jog by a couple of times while you do the "Off" exercise. If the dog does as he is asked, be sure to provide lots of praise and treats. If he starts after the "jogger", give a firm reminder by tugging on the leash.

Eliminating problem behaviors will be discussed next.

OUTSIDE OF REALITY As we welcome the spring

OUTSIDE OF REALITY As we welcome the spring, we look forward to warmer weather and more time outside. For dog owners, many feel that this is a time that the dog can experience more freedom. If done correctly, this can be a great experience. If not done correctly, mischief and mayhem can ensue. Here are some helpful hints to make your spring less stressful: Boredom can lead to big problems. If you leave your dog outside without helping them to release their physical and mental energies beforehand, you may find that they will become creative. Their projects can range from a small hole to a knocking over your prized barbeque to tearing down or redecorating your deck and lawn furniture. Alone time outside does not replace walking and heeling practice. It is not an automatic relief of stored up energy, at least not in a consistently positive manner. A nap underneath a tree outside will only result when the dog is exhausted. Make sure to not put your dog in a position to express their creative energies in a way that would not make you proud. A watched dog is a better dog. Do not leave your dog in your yard unsupervised, especially if you expect them to behave. If regularly attended, the dog will understand that outside is just like inside: you are the leader and they need to listen accordingly. New sights, new sounds, looser dirt, small animals beginning their springtime frolic, and increased daily sunlight are all invitations for a grand canine adventure. If you would rather your dog not partake in these activities, you need to be consistent with your training. Remember, a long line (30 feet) can give your dog an increased area to play while remaining able to be consistent with your corrections. Even if your dog is reliably off leash trained, it may take a couple of days to remind them how to behave in their changed environment. Without a leash, this becomes much more difficult. Do not use a remote collar without proper training. Canine-proof your yard as much as possible. Too much time outdoors unattended can result in housebreaking issues. If a dog never has to ask to go outside, then it never will. Designate one area of the yard for bathroom activities, and make sure that they have enough time indoors to remember to hold it when they are not in their "rest" area. Dogs are creatures of habit. Do not assume that your dog will be happy simply because it is outside. Banishing them to the great outdoors while you are away can create stress. Many dogs would be happier to remain surrounded by the familiar sights and sounds indoors that can remind them of their place in your home especially if you have already proofed your dog for inside unattended time. If they are used to being in a crate, it is most likely relaxing for them to remain in their routine.
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RULES OF THE ROAD If you are planning

RULES OF THE ROAD If you are planning on taking your dog on a road trip with you this summer, here are some things to remember: GET UP TO DATE: Check your dogs vaccinations and tags. Bring copies of your shot records with you. Make sure all relevant information is available on their tags. PREPARE TO PREVENT: Put on a fresh coat of flea and tick preventative, and make sure theyve had their heartworm preventative for the month. Bring a veterinary first aid kit with you. These are available at most pet stores. STOCK UP: Make sure you have enough food, medications, and bottled water with you for your dog. Bringing bottled water can sometimes prevent dogs from getting stomach aches due to changes in water content. BUCKLE UP: Get a canine car harness. They help your dog stay in one seat and remain secure during any quick stopping. These are available at pet stores. CHECK OUT BEFORE YOU CHECK IN: There are many pet-friendly hotels for you to stop at along the way. Dogfriendly.com, petswelcome.com, bringfido.com, and doginmysuitcase.com are just a few of the many sites that the many list pet friendly accommodations available. Never leave your dog alone in the hotel room. This will prevent them coming in contact with unknowns and keep them secure. Always put out the do not disturb sign to prevent anyone from accidentally opening the door to a surprise when your dog greets them, or worse letting the dog out into the hotel unleashed. PLAN FOR PIT STOPS: Remember to plan a stop every two to three hours for your dog to go to the bathroom. Always clean up after your dog. Never leave a dog alone in a parked car because heat conditions may rapidly change. Regardless of location, always keep your dog on leash for both your security and theirs.
Charlotte Dog Training |

Charlotte Dog Daycare |

Monroe Dog Groomer|

Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

Puppys Name Is a Guessing Game Contest

The cute little bundle of joy Ill be getting THIS Sunday, finally has a name... A name that I wont be telling you guys until AFTER I receive the puppy.
But it leaves you with lots of time to guess his name.
This guessing game is a contest... and the winner (IF there is one) will receive a small prize.
**Leave comments on THIS post**

* More than FIVE letters long
* Persons Name
* The first letter of my FIRST guide dog puppys name is the first letter of THIS puppys name

* No more than TWO comments per person
* No more than FIVE names per comment (Total of TEN names if you post TWO comments)
* Contest starts NOW (October 25th 2011)
* Contest ends Sunday evening (October 30th 2011)
* Duplicate names are fine (more than one blogger using the same name)

Since Ive not had a dog to be posting things about, weve lost a good amount of readers over the months - so please pass this contest along on your own blog and help us build back up our readers!

* Homemade Goat Milk Soap - Doggy style (for humans - but can be used on dogs)
* Hand forged Leash Hook
(More information/pictures of the prizes in a later post this week)

Rules for the prize:
*Prize will only be given away IF someone guesses the right puppy name
* If more than one blogger guesses right, those certain bloggers names will be put in a bowl (or something of the sort) and one will be picked at random

Information on the puppy:
* Yellow Male Lab
* Will be 8 weeks old on Sunday

Sounds easy?
Well... START YOUR GUESSING and remember to pass this post along!
Any questions? Feel free to leave them in a comment.

Rudys Raiser

Dog attacks Poor training blamed

Dog attacks: Poor training blamed
Nearly one in three dog owners in Britain has reported being bitten or attacked by a dog, according to the PDSA animal charity.

Dog Training The Agility

Dog training should originally be started from the puppy phase, but as some of the dogs were left untrained until adults people start to find out how to train an adult dog than sticking to the old ways of training dogs from puppy phase, especially if what were training is related to the dogs agility. But here you will find out that even adult dogs are the same as puppy.

Being "old" greatly varies from dog to dog, from the extent of a dogs experience to the innate and natural tendencies its. In short, there is no specific age at which the dog ought to be restrained from training.

However it is always far simpler to start training with much more youthful canines since their learned behaviors are still not rooted in to their habits.

dog training
For choosing elderly canines for training, the handler ought to not generate the impression that the dog would no longer learn so there is no need to waste time. The attitude of the dog as much as that of the trainer is both highly essential to faster learning. The more dedicated and patient the owner is the faster the dog learns.

Theres several approaches to beginning training for agility. A quantity of which are discussed here briefly:

Physical exercise
The introduction to agility training ought to start with physical exercises. If the handler has interest to dedicate on training the dog, the age will no longer matter for it is the condition that will rule over. Simple exercises like leaping or hopping may agitate the dog and encourage him to move a tiny bit. For puppies, these exercises are much simpler to do since they have energy to make use of.

Let him play around
Like teaching tiny children, the simplest approach to agility training for more youthful puppies is to turn the exercises in to a series of games. The gigantic majority of puppies can passing through tunnels and chutes so take advantage of this chance and introduce the tunnels, obstacles and the training area itself as gigantic play ground.
dog training
This approach will generate positive impressions on him which will also prepare him for future training.

Promote his agility
In the event you dont have a sufficient area for setting up hindrance courses, it is best to make use of positive games that also encourage agility. Simple equipment like improvised tunnels or walls could be made to increase training.

Keep it short
Canines dont experience passion when it comes to activities but they have the innate desire to their owners. This means that they dont get devoted unless they are rewarded for lovely actions they have made and that you show your favor for their actions. Their attention span is also limited so they could not continue training for extended hours.
dog training
In the event you need to start training your dog for agility, establish the rule that you ought to keep each training session and each lesson as short as feasible. You dont must finish everything in sitting. You ought to divide each exercise in to sections that the dog could basically understand. Also seldom finish with a negative note. Always be positive that the dog finishes each exercise with praise.

Training your dog for agility does not lie on how elderly or young he is, it lies in the foundation of responsiveness, independence, drive to work alone and to follow the command and your desire to work with him with patience and knowledge of his capacities, just keep on doing your dog training activity and youll definitely figure that out on your own ^_^

Dramatic dog attack caught on video

Dramatic dog attack caught on video
A 4-year-old girl is badly mauled by a dog and the horrific attack is caught on surveillance video. WABC reports.

Political dog tale duel
In the RidicuList, Anderson Cooper examines which candidates dog tale will have a greater election impact.

American Pit Bull Dog Obedience Training

The Pit Bull terrier is an amazing dog and is extremely energetic and can certainly prove to be a handful if not properly trained. American Pit Bulls are extremely loyal and when a relationship is formed, it lasts forever. If youre a new Pit Bull owner, you really need to understand how demanding these dogs can be and realize that they need a lot of attention and training in order to recognize their full potential as pets. Pits are very intelligent dogs and this will work to your advantage as youre going through the training process.

Because of their high intelligence, Pit Bulls can have stubborn streak in them but dont let this scare you when it comes to obedience training time. You as the owner must remember that there will be times when you ask him to do something and hes not going to obey, even though he knows what you are expecting him to do. Remember to remain patient in these times and dont get frustrated. The earlier you being training your Pit, the better. At 8 weeks of age, you can begin basic training and socializing your Pit Bull puppy. Remember, make sure to keep the training activities fun and use positive reinforcements to encourage desired behavior.

Socialization is one of the key areas of focus for Pit Bull training. Pits can be extremely friendly and affectionate animals but they can be dog aggressive if not properly socialized. The best way to socialize your pup is to enroll in training classes. Training classes allow your Pit to be trained side by side with other dogs.

When your Pit Bull puppy reaches the age of 13-16 weeks, you can begin a more serious training routine. During this age, your Pit will likely test his boundries with you and explore the area of dominance. He may nip and try to assume the alpha dog role. It is important to be strong during this time and maintain the dominant role in the relationship.

Pit Bulls are genuinely lovable family dogs that if properly trained, make a great pet for anyone. They are excellent dogs that love being around their "people". Be sure to train your Pit Bull as early as possible and remember to stay consistent.

About the author:

To learn all about American Pitbull Terriers and training a Pitbull, visit http://www.pitbullsrevealed.com/ today.

Pal Who

*(written by Brandons raiser)*
Im happy to announce the newest guide dog puppy that Im raising...
Please welcome "Pal", hes a male yellow lab and super sweet!
Hes birth date is March 10th 2013, which makes him about 16 1/2 weeks old.
Sorry to be so slow with updates, but I do hope to be posting a "little" more often!

-Pals puppy raiser 

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2016

All The Help You Can Get To Train Your Dog

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All The Help You Can Get To Train Your Dog

October 5, 2009 by admin
Filed under Dog Training Tips, Featured
No-one is about to claim that training a dog is an easy thing to do. Dogs are animals with personalities, and whether or not those personalities are amenable to training, they will present different challenges with each different dog. It cannot be denied that some are easier to train than others, but no dog is untrainable. It is simply the case that some dogs need to be given more of a chance than others to pick up what their master wants them to learn. After all, humans are the same – if you got straight As in your freshman year of high school, congratulations, but you are in a minority.
So it makes sense that there is help that can be found to improve the behavior of a dog you are finding hard to train. As ordinary “civilians” when it comes to the overall behavioral patterns of a pet dog, it goes without saying that we will not magically have access to the “button” inside a dog’s mind that makes it behave well, perform tricks or anything else you want it to do. There are professionals who have written books and made DVDs showing helpful tips and hints, and a wealth of websites which do the same.
You may even take your dog to a trainer who will be able to identify ways to get it behaving the way you would like. The expense of doing this makes it something that you may not want to do too regularly, but if all else fails it can be beneficial to you and to your dog.

Whats the secret to a happy marriage

Whats the secret to a happy marriage?
Adam Gopnik attempts to explain the secret to a happy marriage by reflecting on Charles Darwin, old comedy sketches and a Havanese dog.

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2016

Eliminating problem dog behaviors jumping and roaming

Every dog owner must eventually deal with some unwanted behaviors on the part of their four legged companions. Some of the most frequently encountered training problems with puppies and dogs alike are jumping on people and performing those amazing feats of escape.

Jumping up on people
Jumping up on people can be a cute trick for puppies, but it quickly becomes a problem behavior as the dog gets older, larger and heavier. A very heavy dog can easily knock a child or even a small adult of his or her feet, so jumping on people can be a dangerous problem as well as an annoying one. The reason puppies and older dogs jump on people is obvious - they are excited and happy to see them. Many people are reluctant to discourage this exuberant behavior, but it is important to redirect that happiness and energy in other ways. Many well meaning owners, family members and friends inadvertently encourage this jumping up behavior by picking the puppy up, kissing it or otherwise providing encouragement.

This type of inconsistency is anathema to proper dog training, and in order for the dog to be trained not to jump, every member of the family must recognize and accept the importance of the training. If one member of the family allows the dog to jump up while other family members do not, the dog will understandably become confused and frustrated. The training must be firm, kind and consistent in order to be effective.

One way to redirect the dogs happiness and excitedness from jumping is to teach him to lift his paw when greeting you. This "shaking hands" posture is an acceptable way for the dog to show his happiness and his respect. Many people even teach their dogs to do simple tricks, like rolling over, instead of jumping on people.

Escaping and roaming the neighborhood
A responsible dog owner would never dream of allowing his or her dog to roam the neighborhood freely. Allowing a dog to roam on its own is irresponsible, dangerous (to the dog and the neighborhood), and probably even illegal. Most towns have ordinances which prohibit dogs from being allowed to roam around free, so you could be in legal trouble if your dog is found wandering the neighborhood unattended.

Of course sometimes that wandering dog is not the owners idea, and many dogs perform amazing feats of escape when left on their own. The temptations for unattended dogs are many, including passing bicycles, joggers, children, cats and other dogs. It is much easier to prevent escapes than to recapture a loose dog, so lets talk about some preventative measures every dog owner can take.

Removing the motivation to escape is a big part of the solution.
A bored dog is much more likely to spend his day plotting the great escape. A dog that is surrounded by everything he or she needs, like lots of toys, a soft bed, and plenty of fresh clean, water, is more likely to spend his or her day contentedly sleeping or playing with toys until the owner returns.

In addition, a dog with lots of pent up, unused energy is likely to try to escape. Try incorporating several vigorous play sessions with your dog into your daily routine. Make one of those play sessions right before you leave. If your dog has a chance to work of his or her energy, chances are he or she will sleep or relax much of the day.
Of course dealing with the dog is only half the problem. It is also important to make the property as escape proof as possible, through proper fencing and other measures. For dogs that dig, it may be necessary to extend the fence underground by placing metal stakes in the ground every few feet. For dogs that jump, it may be necessary to make the fence higher. And if none of these measures work, it may be necessary to confine the dog to the house when you are not at home.

In the next post: Taking your dog training off leash

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2016

Happy late Birthday Brandon! And a soon goodbye to my Sweet Boy

*(written by Brandons Raiser)*
Ive been so overwhelmed with things lately, that I completely overlooked the fact that some cute puppy had his first birthday coming up!!
The poor puppy didnt even get a birthday celebration, or a blog post the day of his birthday... I feel like such a horrible mom for overlooking this!
Brandon turned 1yr old on September 4th (3 days ago)... I just cant believe my little puppy is already 1 whole year!
I do hope all of Brandons wonderful blogging pals are able to wish Brandon a happy (late...) first birthday!!

On a sad note... I just received notification that Brandon will be heading IFT (In For Training) on October 13th to the guide dog school; where hell be finishing his training, have various evaluations, temperament tests and once finished be placed in his new home (whether as a working guide dog, or another career path he may choose).
It seems like I just got my sweet, chubby puppy and to receive this news breaks my heart, though at the same time Im extremely happy for Brandon.
Brandon will be missed, not only by me, but also by all of the awesome friends and fans he has out there...
And to answer the question that is always asked at this time (will I be getting a new puppy??)
At this point, Im not planning on raising another puppy for a little while and will be taking a break. Though I really enjoy raising the guide dog puppies, Im extremely busy at the moment and since Brandon was such a "challenging" dog to raise (with all his medical issues...) my family would rather have a break for a little while, before making the decision as whether to raise again or not.
This choice isnt definite, and things can always change, but for now it looks like it might be a while before we raise another pup.  I do plan on staying involved in the guide dog group and hope to remain a "puppy sitter" so I can have a "guide dog puppy fix" when needed!
This doesnt mean Ill stop blogging... after Brandon heads back IFT in Mid October I will continue to update about him, and maybe Liberty (our English Mastiff) will start blogging again!
But enough of the emotional news... and one last "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to my sweet boy!!

-Brandons Raiser

One of my favorite pictures of Brandon as a sweet, innocent little puppy...
Picture taken at Brandons level of him walking through the grass , with our  porch on the left side

Pictures below are of one of the most recent guide dog outings... a ice skating rink!!

Picture of Brandon (middle) and a few dogs playing on the rink 

Picture of a little black female puppy wrestling with Brandon 

A group of dogs running on the rink (Brandons the yellow dog in the rear... I think!)

Picture of Brandon and his new girl friend

Picture of Brandon and his new girl friend getting a little hyper...

Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

HEEL COMMAND c Begin with your dog in

HEEL COMMAND c Begin with your dog in a SIT/STAY on your left side, both of you facing forward. Step forward with your left foot, as you say “_________, HEEL.” (command tone) Patting your left hip while praising will encourage your dog to remain at your side. c Continue walking at a moderate pace. As your dog moves out of the HEEL position, use a quick SNAP AND RELEASE in the opposite direction, as you say “NO!” (correction tone) Repeat the HEEL command (command tone) as you encourage your dog with praise. c Make it a challenge for your dog to stay by your side by changing directions rapidly without warning, and by changing your speed from very slow to a brisk walk. c When practicing the HEEL command, always begin and end with your dog in a SIT/STAY position at your left side. . c The HEEL command is one of the most difficult for your dog to master. For this reason, it is crucial that you practice every day. However, limit your practice sessions to 2 minute spurts for the first week, gradually increasing the time to 8-10 minutes. Here’s a tip for practice: try point-to-point heeling. Pick an object, like a mailbox or fire hydrant. Walk your dog in HEEL directly toward that object. Then turn about-face, and repeat the procedure with a different object. This will help you teach him to move forward in a straight line, without veering or pulling. As always, remember to praise your dog -- and make it fun! TRAINING GOAL:________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ c Remember: If you have any questions, please call our office Monday-Friday, 8:30 am -5:00 pm c (704) 573-3647
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Monroe Dog Groomer|

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2016

5 New Years Resolutions for your Dog 1

5 New Years Resolutions for your Dog 1. Walk Your Dog - Making a goal to walk your dog everyday will help you and your pet get into better shape. By using a control walk, you will be reinforcing your dogs place in the family. 2. Obedience Training - You know what to do, but are you being consistent? Resolve to spend 5-10 minutes every other day brushing up on your dogs obedience skills. While you are at it, come to a few tune-up classes and really flex your alpha muscles. 3. Annual Exam - Just like people, dogs need to have an annual check-up to make sure that everything is working properly and that there is nothing going on beneath the surface. Since symptoms can go unnoticed, a visit to your veterinarians office might be the key to catching something early. If your pet has not seen a veterinarian in the last year consider making an appointment for its physical exam. 4. Socialization - If your dog isnt given the opportunity to be around other dogs, then problems can arise. You might notice barking when you are out for a walk when they see another dog. This can escalate into something more, so its always a good idea to allow your dog to socialize with other pets as much as possible. 5. Helping a Rescue Organization- What a great New Years Resolution! Rescue organizations are always in need of volunteers, food and blankets, or monetary contributions. You can celebrate your dog by giving to an animal welfare organization.
Charlotte Dog Training |

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Monroe Dog Groomer|

Where was I

Okay, no I wasnt... but my raiser and her human friends were :)
(answering the question from my previous post)

Picture of Brandon & I at the roller skating rink; Brandon is in a down-stay on the colorful carpet, and Im standing beside him on skates

I still dont get why my raiser wouldnt let me skate WITH her, but I did enjoy having kids skate over to pet me!

(Movie of Brandon at the skating rink, lots of kids are skating by him (on the carpet), and a few pet Brandon as they "skate" by)

My raiser was happy to have me with her, since shes yet to expose me to a skating rink, I wasnt to fond of the idea of my raiser skating away - and me having to be in a down-stay, but she did come back fur lots of visits! (and photos).
Over all, I had an AWESOME time and it was a furry great exposure for a guide dog in training! Its kinda hard maintaining a sit-stay (or just staying calm) when lots of kids are skating by :)

Make sure to keep your eye (or nose) out fur my next post... it will be so furry cool, being all about another guide dog in training I met today (instead of a "play date" us guide dog pups call it a "work date"!), my & the other doggys raiser met at the mall, and let us 2 doggies work together.

Have a furry great weekend!!

Picture of Brandon in a stand-stay while kids skate by him to go on the rink
Picture of Brandon in a sit-stay beside the skating rink, you can see some skaters in the back ground

?I still dont get you guys thought I was at the V-E-T office??? I mean, that is sooo obviously the skating carpet...?
Picture of Brandon in a sit-stay on the cool colorful carpet

One more movie fur good measure :)
(Movie of Brandon watching people skate on the rink)

Dog Training Vs Puppy Training

Getting home a puppy is of the greatest moment that a pet lover could ever have. Imagine, cuddling the lovable and innocent looking puppy, all you need to do is a little dog training and puppy training technique. Your pups loving appearance aside, you need to train him properly and follow proper dog care tips, so that he obeys your commands. Anyways, the general behavior of a dog more or less depends on the training that has been given in the pup stage. Every dog owner wishes their dog to be healthy, well-behaved and an obedient pet. Lets take a glance in brief about the difference between puppy training and dog training.
dog training versus puppy training
Dog Training Vs Puppy Training

Teaching and Training The Puppy Dog Pet. Information About Dog Training versus Puppy Training ! Lots of people are of the opinion that a puppy cannot be trained. However, in practice, it is the best stage that you can train a dog properly. Training a puppy is similar to training a dog. Here is some information about puppy training versus dog training.

dog training puppy training
Dog Training Vs Puppy Training
Dog training versus puppy training
dog training versus puppy training
Dog Training Vs Puppy Training
Whether you are training a puppy or a dog, the basic dog training tips stay the same. It is true that some dog types are aggressive and need special handling. Whatever be the nature of the pet, the owner ought to train the puppy/dog, lovingly and regularly. This way, you can build that special bond along with your pet dog. Being harsh to your pet will worsen the scenario. Then you will need a professional trainer to alter your dogs behavior.

dog training puppy training
Dog Training Vs Puppy Training
A puppy, compared to a well-grown dog, learns quickly and obeys the trainer. Theres sure puppy training tips that will help you groom your puppy well. For example, in the first weeks after birth, you can teach your pup about simple association with the relatives members. In the next weeks, you can train the pup to socialize with other pets and people. In case of full grown-dogs, they will be obedient and behave well, as long as you appreciate and handle him carefully.

dog training versus puppy training
Dog Training Vs Puppy Training
Most dog training tips like socialization, crate training and house training are conducted in the pup stage. While house training your puppy, make sure to teach nice behaviors like fixed meal timings and more importantly, proper place and time for defecation. When the dog grows up, the only thing that you need to take care is to maintain that comfort level you share along with your pet. This way, training becomes simpler and the dog will follow your commands.
dog training versus puppy training
Dog Training Vs Puppy Training
While training your puppy on leash, make sure that the leash is loose; otherwise, it will hurt the pup and make him uncomfortable. It is feasible, the next time you try to put him on leash, they is likely to refuse. The same thing applies along with your dog; a tight leash is not advisable or else the dog will pull and start behaving badly.

dog training puppy training
Dog Training Vs Puppy Training
While you are with the puppy or dog, there might be situations when they might behave badly like biting, whining and barking. In such a scenario, do not shout at him, in lieu alter your conduct and let the dog understand that you do not like his behavior. If the dog obeys your command, you can reward him by giving your dogs favourite pet food or toy.

dog training versus puppy training
Dog Training Vs Puppy Training
Training, either a puppy or a dog, is all about communication. The trainer needs to communicate with the dog properly and teach him to learn nice behaviors. It is also the duty of the trainer or handler to understand the dog and the message that they desires to convey. Then only, training a puppy or a dog will be rewarding and successful.
In the event you have a deep interest in canines, then you can make a career in dog training. However, as a dog trainer, needs to be very patient and ought to have loving and caring nature. In order to gain knowledge about the profession, theres several schools that offer dog training courses.
dog training versus puppy training
Dog Training Vs Puppy Training
Train your puppy or dog with lots of love and care, then you will find the best companion in your pet. because dogs are the most popular pets in the world, mainly because of their obedient nature and ability to learn. Well! Teaching and training the pet is the responsibility of the dog owner. Remember to do dog training everyday ^_^

Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2016

Former ATF agent gunned down while walking his dog in Virginia police say

Former ATF agent gunned down while walking his dog in Virginia, police say

Police have charged a Woodbridge man with murder, accusing him of fatally shooting a retired federal agent who was out walking his dog.

Police have charged a Woodbridge man with murder, accusing him of fatally shooting a retired federal agent who was out walking his dog.

Prince William County Police charged 25-year-old Aric Alexander Smith with first-degree murder and armed robbery.

Killed in Wednesday nights slaying was 55-year-old Gregory L. Holley Sr., also of Woodbridge. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms said Holley was an ATF agent in Chicago, Atlanta and Washington and was the ATFs special agent in charge in Detroit. He concluded his career as a deputy assistant inspector general for the Department of Treasury, from which he retired in 2009.

Police say Smith was arrested fleeing from the scene by an off-duty police officer. They say Smith was found in possession of personal property belonging to Holley.

Police do not believe the two knew each other and say the gun used in the slaying was reported stolen last week.

Holleys family said he was an active volunteer at his church, New Life Anointed Ministries International.

"Gregs life work was about fighting violent crime, and unfortunately it was violent crime that took his life," the family said in a statement.

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2016

Disabled vet dog reportedly kicked out of gun store

Disabled vet, dog, reportedly kicked out of gun store

UK girl fatally attacked by dogs

UK girl fatally attacked by dogs
The death of a 14-year-old girl who was apparently fatally savaged by a pack of dogs at a friends home has prompted horror in Britain.

Downward dogs for depression
Yoga could provide tangible benefits for disorders ranging from sleep complaints and ADHD to schizophrenia and depression.