Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

Christmas Shopping 101

Since all of you guys are most likely trying to finish up your Christmas shopping, I think I should give you a few tips to make shopping WAY more fun.
To start of with, make sure to ALWAYS stop for mirrors when out shopping, you never know how cute you may look:
Picture of Brandon and I in the mirror
? Moving on; when you (or your shopping friend) comes across something that you (they) REALLY want, look at the price tag first - cant afford it? Just look away... (this is when the "ignore it" command would be useful - more fur the humans than us pups!)
Picture of Brandon laying down beside the purse section at Belk - hes completely ignoring the purses
? After shopping for a while, make sure to stop at the food court and get a little "fuel" in you - of course, that doesnt ever help me AT ALL, since Im not allowed to eat any of that human food...
Picture of Brandon in a sit-stay under the table at the food court

And when your raiser (or friend) has her (or his) hand full of shopping bags and wants to go into yet ANOTHER store, just give them this furry cute look...
Picture of Brandon in a sit-stay giving his "puppy face" look to the camera!
?Trust me, it ALWAYS works!!
I do hope you will be able to take some of my "advice" and put it to good use on your next shopping trip!
Just remember to use that "ignore it" command on something you really dont NEED :)

- Brandon

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