Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Chocolate Anyone

*(Written by Brandons Raiser)*
I may have decided to take a long break from puppy raising, but Ive still planned on puppy sitting for other raisers, when they needed it.
So when given the opportunity to dog sit "Harris" for 3 weeks, I was more than happy to say yes!
Harris is a handsome 1yr old Chocolate Lab, who can make just about anyone fall in love with him in a matter of seconds.

Though I still really miss Brandon (and anxiously awaiting news on how hes doing) Im extremely glad to have another dog in my life, even if it is for a short time.
Harris is a bundle of fun to work with and has such a different personality than Brandon ever had!  I havent had the chance to work with a Chocolate guide dog puppy before, and Im very glad to have Harris with me for the next few weeks!

Its hard to believe Brandon has only been gone for a little under 3 weeks, I wont be expecting to hear any news about Brandon for another week or 2, but will be sure to keep you guys updated!
Enjoy the chocolate pictures below :)

-Brandons Raiser

Picture focused on Harris and Is face

Picture of Harris and I staring at each other

Adorable picture of Harris in coat, staring at the camera


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