Minggu, 03 April 2016

Dog Skin And Coat Care

All dogs have a fur coat – it may be thin, thick long, short, straight or curly – and if you own a dog, you better think your dogs skin and coat care are as important as other aspect, because it might put you through trouble if you dont, believe me you should really start taking it seriously if you dont already. you probably know the troubles that come along with taking care of their fur. Most dogs suffer from skin problems and dull coats from time to time. If your dog has not, count yourself lucky.

There’s more to your dog’s skin and coat than you may know. Dogs cannot sweat like humans; however, their hair follicles open up to release heat and close to conserve heat.  In many cases if your dog is not physically well, you will be able to see it in their skin and fur. If your dog’s skin changes colors, it could also be an indication that they are getting sick. Likewise, if their coat looks noticeably dull or their hair starts to fall out, there is a good chance something may be wrong.

Dog Skin And Coat CareIt’s recommended to check your pet’s skin regularly. Look for bumps, rashes, scabs, flakes and foul odors, as these are indications your pet is having skin problems. Lastly, check for fleas! If left unchecked, fleas can cause your dog intense discomfort. Look for little black specks. Also, the dust from flea waste will turn red when water is applied, so make sure to check thoroughly. If left unchecked, skin problems can lead to more serious issues, so make sure to take care of your dog’s skin and coat.
Dog Skin And Coat Care
Use these simple tips to make grooming more enjoyable for you and your pet.

Getting Started-
Dog Skin And Coat Care

It’s best to groom your pet when they are calm; this will make everything go much smoother. If your dog is new to grooming, keep the sessions as short as possible, and gradually increase the length over time.  Lastly, make sure you reward them once the grooming is over.

Dog Skin And Coat Care
Brushing your dog’s hair is very important in keeping them healthy and clean. It helps remove dirt and spread natural oils, which will make their hair look better and help prevent skin irritation. For short- haired dogs, it’s recommend to brush them at least once a week and for long-haired dogs, daily brushing is recommended to prevent knotting and matting. If your dog is uncomfortable with brushing, gradually introduce the brush beforehand, letting them smell it and get used to the brush.

Dog Skin And Coat Care
According to the ASPCA you should bathe your dog at least every 3 months. Use a shampoo made for dogs; this will help prevent skin irritation. Like brushing your dog, he or she may not like getting a bath, so introduce them to the sound of running water before you put him in.

Dog Skin And Coat CareKeeping your dog’s skin and coat clean will not only make them feel and smell better, it will help them stay healthy in the long run. Regular skin and coat maintenance is crucial to dog owners. Do it regularly   and if you notice anything wrong it is advised to see a vet immediately.

As you keep on letting it pass, the problem you face with your dogs skin or coat might become a real pain in the **s, so really take your dogs skin and coat care seriously ok?

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