Sabtu, 30 April 2016

Back to class

Happy New Year to everyone! Heres hoping its a successful one for you all.

Classes start again this Tuesday and the times have changed to our winter timetable. Ringcraft is 6.45 - 7.30pm, Puppy class 7.30 - 8pm, Bronze Good Citizen 8 - 8.45pm, Silver and Gold GC 8.45 - 9.30pm. Hopefully we will not have a repeat of the snow but, if it looks as if the weather may affect classes, you can check before leaving home. Notice will be posted here or you can phone 01466 730292/01343 870281.

Annual membership is now due, £3 single and £5 joint.

A show match will be held on February 26th at the hall and we have invited Banff, Moray & Nairn CC and Donside Ringcraft Club. Come along, support the club and get some practice in before Crufts! Our judge will be Ian Forbes. Start time to follow.

The latest ringcraft rota has been posted, just click on the link in the side bar.

AGM and show match

This Tuesday our AGM will be held in the hall at 9pm, all paid up members are welcome to attend. There will be no top class that night but all other classes are as normal.

Dont forget our interclub match on Saturday 26th February. Entries will be taken from 11am with judging starting at noon. Classes for puppy, veteran and junior handling as well as the main match. Come along and get some practice in before Crufts!

How to Stop Dog From Chewing

This is How to Stop Dog From Chewing, everybody knows how hard it is to fight against a chewing dog, a dog that chews literally everything. And every dog owner will be required to stop dog chewing problems at some stage. When our puppies and dogs chew it is a perfectly acceptable and natural behavior for them. The real problem arises when they chew on inappropriate, dangerous or expensive items.
Dogs chew on just about anything they can wrap their mouths around. My dogs favorite chewing objects are socks, shoes, furniture and my Whippet, Pocky actually chewed a large whole in the side of our house!
How to Stop Dog From Chewing
What Causes Dogs To Chew?

  • Through loneliness or boredom.
  • Separation anxiety, this form of chewing often occurs if you work long hours away from home.
  • When they are teething (this can be a very trying time for owners).
  • Through fear or a phobia.
  • Seeking attention.
  • Through anticipation, some dogs chew just before their owner is due to arrive home.

How to Stop Dog From ChewingIts important that we stop our dogs chewing not only because it frustrates us, but also because it can be very dangerous for our dogs. If your dog chews into electric wires, poisons and any number of other objects they could be in serious danger. Having said this it should also be noted that chewing on appropriate items offers many benefits to the health and wellbeing of your dog.

Dog Chewing - Prevention Is Your Best Option!
As with most dog behavior problems it is far easier to prevent chewing problems from arising rather than trying to extinguish an established chewing habit. Try these simple steps to help manage your dogs chewing:

  • Puppy proof your home - take away the temptation!
    How to Stop Dog From Chewing
  • Provide your dog with a few tasty chew toys. Make it perfectly clear to your dog that if he/she needs to chew, it must be on the chew toys. Its a good idea to toss a dog toy stuffed with some tasty treats to your dog as you leave for work each morning.
    How to Stop Dog From Chewing
  • Keep your dog in a safe and confined area while you are away from home. This could be a dog crate, kennel run or any secure room in your house. Of course you should provide a few chew toys in this area and ensure that there are no dangerous objects present.
  • Provide your dog with lots of exercise, both physical and mental when you are at home (games, obedience training, tricks...)

How to Stop Dog From Chewing

How To Stop Dog Chewing Problems
Always keep in mind that your dog cant tell the difference between a $200 pair of shoes and a worthless old rag. And your dog is not chewing to spite you, dogs dont think like us humans.

    How to Stop Dog From Chewing
  • If your dog has a particular liking for a certain object like a furniture leg you can try this method. Coat the object with a foul tasting substance (non toxic) such as bitter apple, cayenne pepper or tabasco sauce. This method can be effective but because it doesnt actually teach your dog to stop chewing, it may mean that your dog simply chews on a different object. Of course, if you put some tasty treats in the area, the chewing behavior will hopefully shift straight over to these.
    How to Stop Dog From Chewing
  • If you catch your dog in the act of chewing, give a firm "No!" and replace the inappropriate chewing object with a tasty chew toy. Give your dog praise when he starts chewing the toy. Never ever reprimand your dog if you dont actually catch him in the act of chewing. If you dont issue your correction within about two seconds of his inappropriate chewing behavior, he wont have a clue what you are disciplining him for.
  • A good solution to stop dog chewing and any other dog behavior problems is to apply some obedience training. This establishes you as the firm but fair leader in your owner-dog relationship. It will also help to build a strong bond between you and your dog, based on trust, two way communication and mutual respect.
  • Teach your dog the "Leave It" obedience training command.

How to Stop Dog From Chewing
In order to control your dogs annoying chewing habit all you need to do is consistently follow the above training methods. Add a touch of common sense and patience and you will be well on your way to stopping your dogs chewing problem.

So, after reading this How to Stop Dog From Chewing did you find the answer to the problem that you face all this time? If so, please do leave your comment below ^_^ Thanks.

Top 10 Funny Photos of Walking A Dog

Just out of funny and free-time filling purpose lets check out these Funny Photos of Walking A Dog

How sweet!
Funny Photos of Walking A DogFunny Photos of Walking A Dog

Two in one! Sounds great.
Funny Photos of Walking A Dog

Funny Photos of Walking A Dog
Funny Photos of Walking A Dog

Skater dog.
Funny Photos of Walking A Dog
Strange combination.
Funny Photos of Walking A Dog
Dog strikes 2.
Funny Photos of Walking A Dog
And this is how you make your dog embarrassed
Funny Photos of Walking A Dog
Training or just walking the dog? (Link)
Funny Photos of Walking A Dog

Are you enjoying the above Funny Photos of Walking A Dog? Because i did.

Jumat, 29 April 2016

Latest ringcraft rota

6th April.............................Jenny and Morag

13th April...........................Sue and Elizabeth

20th April...........................Karen and Katie

27th April............................June and Mark

4th May...............................Claire and Mary

11th May.............................Karen and Joanne

18th May.............................Nicky and Joan

25th May............................Daveena and Helen

Success for the Sammys

Carol went down to Dumfries for the Samoyed Associations champ show on May 2nd and her two young pups did extremely well.

Kodi won his minor puppy dog class and Best Puppy Dog. Sister Chaos went one step further, she also won her minor puppy class, took Best Puppy Bitch and then Best Puppy In Show!

Congratulations Carol, Chaos and Kodi!

Top 9 Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World

Top 9 most popular dog breeds in the world is our latest.. hmm... I think we could say installment on the dog breeds category, we believe youve already been on our previous posts which are Cutest Dog Breeds In The World?, Top 10 Most Rarest Dog Breeds In The World, Top 8 Weirdest Dog Breeds In The WorldTop 10 Smartest Dog Breeds In The WorldThe most popular dog is something eye catching to view and fun to play with. Dog is not only an animal, It could become a great friend and family for us human being. Many people living in US and Europe like to have a dog as a pet. They are helpful. You can ask a dog to guard the house or even train them to help police to find a criminal. In this entry well show you the most popular dog breeds in the world.
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World
Top 9 Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World
Golden Retriever
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Golden Retriever
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Golden Retriever
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Golden Retriever
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Golden Retriever
No question about it, Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, it is famous because of the beauty. The pretty dark eyes, cute expression, playful gesture and a wagging tail make people fall in love with this animal. You can find a good breed which poses some nice qualities of loyalty, love, and kindness.

Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Beagle
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Beagle
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Beagle
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Beagle
Beagle is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world, that makes it into this most popular dog breeds in the world list. The name of this type of dog appears for the first time in English Literature in 1475. This dog actually is functioned for rabbit hunting. The famous person who loves to use the dog to serve such intention is King Edward III.

Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Dachshund
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Dachshund
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Dachshund
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Dachshund
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World DachshundDachshund is characterized as well muscled, long-bodied, short-legged, and clever dog. This dog is popular. It comes in medium size with smooth and silky hair. There are three varieties of this dog. Those are longhaired, smooth, and wirehaired, we just can not let this one out of the most popular dog breeds in the world list.

Labrador Retriever
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Labrador Retriever
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Labrador Retriever
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Labrador Retriever
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Labrador Retriever
Even though this dog is named as Labrador retriever, it does not merely come from Labrador. The origin of the dog is Newfoundland. The dog is fun to have at home. It has a great smelling ability. It can run, swim and fight, it is a fair addition to this list of most popular dog breeds in the world.

Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Bulldog
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Bulldog
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Bulldog
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Bulldog
Bulldog is famous because of the aggressiveness and power. This animal is agile. The people who live in a big house usually own a bull dog that they use to protect the house. However, there are some bulldogs in this recent day trained with sweet, kinds and calm quality. How could we not add this bulldog into the list of most popular dog breeds in the world? I mean, people surely will complain.

Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Poodle
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Poodle
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Poodle
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Poodle
Poodle is not a new breed. The ancient Roman and Egyptian artifact described the ancestors of this dog. Poodle is named after the old German world puddle. It means to splash in water. The dog comes in three main sizes. Those are miniature, standard and toy.

Yorkshire Terrier
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Yorkshire Terrier
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Yorkshire Terrier
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Yorkshire Terrier
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkshire terrier comes from North of England. This dog is perfect as a pet due to the fact that it has wonderful character. The quality that you may expect from this dog includes the playful, charming, clever and vivacious profile. It is clearly one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.

German Shepherd
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World German Shepherd
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - German Shepherd
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World German Shepherd
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - German Shepherd
German shepherd is the most popular dog that you can look after at home. The reason it is included in this most popular dog breeds in the world list? Clearly because this dog is well known because of the inelegance, versatility, as well as the hobby. In WW II, this dog was used as the sentinels, messengers, and detector.

Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Boxer
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Boxer
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World Boxer
Most Popular Dog Breeds In The World - Boxer
The history of Boxer can be seen on the feudal Germany. The dog at time was used of hunting. Today, a boxer dog is considered as a big dog. It looks more elegant. The weight of female can reach 65 pounds, while the male is 15 pounds heavier, nothing can stop it into entering this list of most popular dog breeds in the world.

That is the end of the line for today, that is i guess clear enough to close our current list of most popular dog breeds in the world. We really hope that dog lovers in this planet will finally know more about how popular these dogs are, and how loved they are by us human beings, and last but not least we also hope that we could give more on this list of most popular dog breeds in the world the next time we post or probably update one of these types of entry ^_^

Top 9 Most Fascinating Dogs In The World

Today we are here to present to you the rare Top 9 Most Fascinating Dogs In The World, yes, they are incredibly wonderful, find it all out to achieve the better out of yourself.

Faith: The bipedal dog
Faith Stringfellow is an amazing little dog who suffered from a birth defect. The mother dog was actually trying to terminate Faiths life when she was rescued from a teenager boy. She only had one front leg and it had to be removed when she was 7 months because it was starting to atrophy. Faith has learned to stand and walk on her two back legs like a human. 
Most Fascinating Dogs In The World
It’s not all that unusual to see a dog stand up to greet their loved ones, but Faith remains upright and actually gets around this way. She may be the worlds first and only biped canine. Faith is now a therapy dog and makes public appearance to encourage others to live to their full potential.

Sgt. Stubby: Americas first war dog hero
Most Fascinating Dogs In The World
Americas first war dog, Stubby, served for 18 months and participated in seventeen battles on the Western Front. In February of 1918 he saved his regiment from surprise mustard gas attacks. This pit bull terrier dog was the most decorated war dog of World War I and the only dog to be promoted to sergeant through combat. 

He also located and comforted wounded, carried messages under fire and even once caught a German spy by the seat of his pants after hearing a noise coming from a small patch of brush. He went to investigate and found a German spy. Stubby put his ears back and began to bark. The German began to run and Stubby took off after him, biting the soldier on his legs causing him to trip and fall. Then he attacked the soldiers arms and finally bit and held onto his rear end. By this time some of the Allied soldiers had come to see what all the noise was. When they saw that the dog had captured a spy they cheered. He became the first dog to be given rank in the U.S. Armed Forces. 

After the war, Stubby became Georgetown Universitys mascot when his owner, Robert Conroy was headed to law school and took the dog along. Old age finally caught up with the small warrior on April 4th, 1926, as he took ill and died in Conroys arms. 

Swansea Jack: The Baywatch dog who saved 27 people
Most Fascinating Dogs In The World
Born in Newfoundland, Swansea Jack lived in the North Dock area of Swansea with his master, William Thomas. He would always respond to cries for help from the water, diving into the water and pulling whoever was in difficulty to safety at the dockside. His first rescue, in June 1931, when he saved a 12-year-old boy, went unreported. A few weeks later, this time in front of a crowd, Jack rescued a swimmer from the docks. 

Legend has it that in his lifetime he saved 27 people from the Docks / River Tawe. Swansea Jack died in October 1937 after eating rat poison. He was named Dog of the Century by NewFound Friends of Bristol. He received a silver cup from the Lord Mayor of London and he is still the only dog to have been awarded two bronze medals by the National Canine Defence League (now known as Dogs Trust). 

Jim: the "Wonder Dog" who could predict the future
Born in Louisiana in 1925, Jim displayed signs of extremely high intelligence. He was able to pick out colors a person was wearing, although dogs are apparently color-blind. He could pick out a car by its owner, color, make, or license plate number. 
Most Fascinating Dogs In The World
Jim became a hunting dog who knew which fields contained birds and which ones didnt. Mr. VanArsdale would let Jim choose the field in which to hunt and he was never disappointed. 

Jim was examined at the University of Missouri by a group of veterinarians and scientists. Results of the examination were normal. He responded to their requests given in Italian, French, German and Spanish. He was taken before a Greek class and given several requests in Greek which he successfully answered. Jim picked the winner in the 1936 World Series. He correctly predicted that Roosevelt would be re-elected in 1936. He also correctly picked the winner in the Kentucky Derby for seven years. And most amazingly, he could predict accurately the sex of an unborn infant. 

The Wonder Dog died on March 18, 1937 and was buried in a cemetery in Marshall. A small white stone was erected over his grave bearing the inscription "Jim, the Wonder Dog." 

Appollo: A 9/11 hero
A search and rescue dog who served with the K-9 unit of the NYPD, Appollo was awarded the Dickin Medal, the animals equivalent of the Victoria Cross, in recognition of the work done by all search and rescue dogs following the September 11 attacks. 
Most Fascinating Dogs In The World
A German Shepherd born around 1992, he and his handler, Peter Davies, were called in to assist with the rescue operations after the September 11 terror attacks. They arrived at the World Trade Center site fifteen minutes after the attack, making Appollo the first search and rescue dog to arrive at the site after the collapse of the World Trade Center. At one point, Appollo was almost killed by flames and falling debris. However, he survived, having been drenched after falling into a pool of water just before this incident. Appollo started working again as soon as Davies had brushed the debris off him. He died in November 2006.  

The Sheepherder Dog: Kept a sheep ranch by himself for 2 years
Most Fascinating Dogs In The World
In the 1870s, a sheep rancher in New Mexico died alone in his remote home. Two years later, his death was discovered by visitors. Yet his flock of sheep were doing just fine, and had actually increased in number! His dog had been tending the flocks in his absence. The rancher had trained his dog to drive the flocks to their pasture in the morning, guard them all day, and return them to their fold at night, and hed continued these duties when the rancher disappeared, killing some sheep as necessary for food but faithfully tending the rest. 

In 1879, the New Mexico legislature voted to award a pension to the hard-working (but nameless) sheep dog. There are no pictures of this dog. 

Greyfriars Bobby: Guarded his owners grave for 14 years
Most Fascinating Dogs In The World
Greyfriars Bobby became famous as a symbol of loyalty in Britain. He was a Skye terrier devoted to his owner, John Gray. When Gray died in 1858, he was buried without a gravestone. Still, Bobby found the spot and stayed there, guarding the grave and leaving only for food, for 14 years. Greyfriars Bobby himself died in 1872. A granite fountain was erected in 1873 to honor his loyalty, commissioned by a countess and paid for by the RSPCA. John Gray eventually got a headstone, paid for by Bobby’s fans. And Bobby received a headstone for his grave in 1981. 

Max: The collie who sniffed out his owner’s cancer
Maureen Burns in Rugby, England has a 10-year-old mixed breed collie named Max who probably saved her life. The 64-year-old realized something was wrong when Max started acting strangely. He would keep sniffing Maureen’s breath and nudging her right breast. Max’s odd behavior prompted Maureen to check her breasts and she discovered a small lump in the right one. But the growth did not show up on a hospital mammogram. 
Most Fascinating Dogs In The World
Still convinced that something was wrong, she persuaded surgeons to do a biopsy. And Maureen’s hunch was proved right when the results confirmed there was a lump – and it was malignant. She’s had surgery to remove the lump, followed by radiation treatment, and her prognosis is excellent. Mrs. Burns is convinced that she is alive today because of her dog’s keen sense of smell. 

Bobbie: Traveled 2.800 miles to return to this family
Most Fascinating Dogs In The WorldIn 1923, while on a family road trip in Indiana, Bobbie —a two-year old Scotch Collie/English Shepherd mix— was separated from his owners and lost. After an exhaustive search the broken-hearted family returned to their home in Oregon never expecting to see their beloved dog again. Six months later, Bobbie appeared on their doorstep mangy and scrawny with feet worn to the bone; he showed all the signs of having walked the entire way back alone. During his ordeal he crossed 2,800 miles of plain, desert and mountains in the dead of winter to return home. He received hundreds of letters from people around the world and was honored with a jewel-studded harness and collar, ribbons and keys to cities.Bobbies demonstration of loyalty is celebrated during Silvertons annual childrens pet parade that serves as a reminder of the special place animals and pets have in peoples lives.

Hope this "news" on the Top 9 Most Fascinating Dogs In The World will not make you stop wondering the greatness of the nature in this world... instead it will make you even more of a believer.

Kamis, 28 April 2016

Labrador Retriever Training – Practical Commands Training

Labrador Retriever Training – Practical Commands Training is here for you to stay. So your labrador retriever still cant understand a single command from you? Hmm... thats quite a problem, right? That your labrador retriever wont respond to anything you said or do... Well, hopefully all that is going to change soon enough, as here we are sharing this tips to help you in taking good control of your labrador retriever as soon as possible. And also soon enough you will not be needing anymore help in the next step of your labrador retriever training, because youll mastered it by time before you even know it. Oops i almost forgot to also tell you that our previous post of labrador retriever is getting quite a response, and those are : How To Brush Your Labrador RetrieverDog Breed: Labrador Retriever, and especially Top 5 Labrador Puppy Training Basics

Labrador Retriever Training Practical Commands Training“Stay” can easily be taught as an extension of what you’ve already been practicing. To teach “stay”, you follow the entire sequence for reinforcing a “sit” or “down”, except you wait a bit longer before you give the release word, “OK!” Wait a second or two longer during each practice before saying “OK!” and releasing your dog to the positive reinforcer (toy, treat, or one of life’s other rewards).
Labrador Retriever Training Practical Commands Training
Labrador Retriever Training
If he gets up before you’ve said “OK,” you have two choices: pretend the release was your idea and quickly interject “OK!” as he breaks; or, if he is more experienced and practiced, mark the behavior with your correction sound - “eh!” - and then gently put him back on the spot, wait for him to lie down, and begin again. Be sure the next three practices are a success. Ask him to wait for just a second, and release him before he can be wrong. You need to keep your dog feeling like more of a success than a failure as you begin to test his training in increasingly more distracting and difficult situations.
Labrador Retriever Training Practical Commands Training
Labrador Retriever Training
As he gets the hang of it – he stays until you say “OK” - you can gradually push for longer times – up to a minute on a sit-stay and up to three minutes on a down-stay. You can also gradually add distractions and work in new environments. To add a minor self-correction for the down-stay, stand on the dog’s leash after he lies down, allowing about three inches of slack. If he tries to get up before you’ve said “OK,” he’ll discover it doesn’t work.
Do not step on the leash to make your Labrador Retriever lie down! This could badly hurt his neck, and will destroy his trust in you. Remember, we are teaching our dogs to make the best choices, not inflicting our answers upon them!

Labrador Retriever Training Practical Commands Training
Labrador Retriever Training

Labrador Retriever Training Practical Commands Training
Labrador Retriever Training
Rather than think of “come” as an action – “come to me” – think of it as a place – “the dog is sitting in front of me, facing me”. Since your dog by now really likes sitting to earn your touch and other positive reinforcement, he’s likely to sometimes sit directly in front of you, facing you, all on his own. When this happens, give it a specific name: “come”.
Labrador Retriever Training Practical Commands Training
Labrador Retriever Training
Now follow the rest of the training steps you have learned to make him like doing it and reinforce the behavior by practicing it any chance you get. Anything your dog wants and likes could be earned as a result of his first offering the sit-in-front known as “come”.
You can help guide him into the right location. Use your hands as “landing gear” and pat the insides of your legs at his nose level. Do this while backing up a bit, to help him maneuver to the straight-in-front exactly facing-you position. Don’t say the word “come” while he’s maneuvering, because he hasn’t! You are trying to make “come” the end result, not the work in progress.
Labrador Retriever Training Practical Commands Training
Labrador Retriever Training
You can also help your Labrador Retriever by marking his movement in the right direction: Use your positive sound or word to promise he is getting warm. When he finally sits facing you, enthusiastically say “come”, mark again with your positive word, and release him with an enthusiastic “OK!” Make it so worth his while, with lots of play and praise, that he can’t wait for you to ask him to come again!

Building a Better Recall
Labrador Retriever Training Practical Commands Training
Labrador Retriever Training
Practice, practice, practice. Now, practice some more. Teach your dog that all good things in life hinge upon him first sitting in front of you in a behavior named “come”. When you think he really has got it, test him by asking him to “come” as you gradually add distractions and change locations. Expect setbacks as you make these changes and practice accordingly. Lower your expectations and make his task easier so he is able to get it right. Use those distractions as rewards, when they are appropriate. For example, let him check out the interesting leaf that blew by as a reward for first coming to you and ignoring it.

Labrador Retriever Training Practical Commands Training
Labrador Retriever Training
Add distance and call your dog to come while he is on his retractable leash. If he refuses and sits looking at you blankly, do not jerk, tug, “pop”, or reel him in. Do nothing! It is his move; wait to see what behavior he offers. He’ll either begin to approach (mark the behavior with an excited “good!”), sit and do nothing (just keep waiting), or he’ll try to move in some direction other than toward you. If he tries to leave, use your correction marker – “eh!” - and bring him to a stop by letting him walk to the end of the leash, not by jerking him. Now walk to him in a neutral manner, and don’t jerk or show any disapproval. Gently bring him back to the spot where he was when you called him, then back away and face him, still waiting and not reissuing your command. Let him keep examining his options until he finds the one that works – yours!
Labrador Retriever Training Practical Commands Training
Labrador Retriever Training
If you have practiced everything I’ve suggested so far and given your dog a chance to really learn what “come” means, he is well aware of what you want and is quite intelligently weighing all his options. The only way he’ll know your way is the one that works is to be allowed to examine his other choices and discover that they don’t work.
Sooner or later every dog tests his training. Don’t be offended or angry when your dog tests you. No matter how positive you’ve made it, he won’t always want to do everything you ask, every time. When he explores the “what happens if I don’t” scenario, your training is being strengthened. He will discover through his own process of trial and error that the best – and only – way out of a command he really doesn’t feel compelled to obey is to obey it.

Sooner or later you would know what to do with your labrador retriever because practice makes perfect, you know? And i believe you all know that, i mean everyone could write a book when they have went through anything (experience). But not most of them are doing it, only some of them, thats why they are called writer, thats a wrap, hope you find this Labrador Retriever Training – Practical Commands Training post helpful ^_^