Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information

Choosing the best dogs for your kids are never easy, thats why we thought about sharing this particular choosing best dogs for kids information, hopefully it will become useful to many people.

Dogs are not just animals, but part of our families. They watch infants grow into toddlers, wait anxiously for kids to return from their first day of school, and say a bitter sweet good-bye with mom and dad watching their best friend leave home for college.

Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information
While the emotional ties are strong, it is important to be smart whenever kids and dogs are together. Dogs are first and foremost animals and need to be understood as such, especially when part of a family with children.

As this article has hopefully made clear, it is important to consider not only the specific breed of dog you will choose, but also the dogs individual temperament and how it might fit into your family structure.With these caveats, here is the list for breeds that are known to be good with children. This will at least give you a starting place as you search for the specific dog that is perfect for your family.

Breeds to consider:
Beagle: He is very pack-oriented and sociable. Beagles enjoy attention, rough-housing, and playing ball. They are patient with children, but children must be taught not to leave doors and gates open – beagles LOVE to roam! 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information beagle
Bernese Mountain Dog:
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information bernese mountain dog
Bernese Mountain Dog
This sweet, gentle dog needs companionship; he can be your childs best friend. However, his size is a concern, especially around very small children. His tail alone can wag hard enough to knock over a toddler! 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information bloodhound
This kind, patient dog loves the attention children provide. You must teach your children not to pester the dog, because the bloodhound will just sit there and take it. Make sure the dog gets some alone time to decompress. 
Boston Terrier: 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information boston terrier
Boston Terrier
Though the breed was originally developed for dogfights, this dog has since been selectively bred to be a less aggressive breed that is great with children. The Boston is very intelligent and will love to play with your child. 
Boxer: This breed is very people-oriented and craves the human companionship your child can provide. However, young boxers are VERY rambunctious and may be too much for a young child to handle. 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information boxer
Collie :Collies are intelligent, sensitive and gentle.In fact, they are almost never used as police dogs because it is so hard to get them to bite someone!
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information collie
Foxhound: Both the American and English varieties get along very well with children. 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information foxhound
Golden Retriever: The quintessential family dog. Goldens are known for their patience and tolerance to just about anything a child can bring. Their extreme need for constant attention usually matches a childs need to constantly play with them. 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information golden retriever
Golden Retriever
Great Dane: If you have a lot of space in your home, you might consider a Great Dane. This mammoth dog (think Marmaduke or Scooby Doo) is very gentle, but just because of his size, care should be taken around young children. 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information great dane
Great Dane
Labrador Retriever: The most popular breed in America, the Lab is excellent with children. Young Labs are VERY rambunctious – you might not want to take on a Lab puppy while your children are very small. 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information labrador retriever
Labrador Retriever
Mastiff: Another gentle giant.If you have room in your home and your children are old enough not to get caught underfoot, the Mastiff may be a good choice for you. 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information mastiff
Newfoundland: The Newf is very gentle and loves children. His patience and tolerance for being pestered actually led to a clinical study using this breed in therapy for hyperactive children. 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information newfoundland
Old English Sheepdog: 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information old english sheepdog
Old English Sheepdog
This playful breed has been nicknamed the "babysitter" because they are so good at herding children, a trait passed down from the old days when the Old English was used to herd sheep. 
Pug: Very fun-loving and playful, the pug always loves a good romp with the kids of the house. He is likely to walk away rather than lash out when hes had enough. 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information pug
St. Bernard: Another massive breed that is great with children. St. Bernards are very affectionate and love to give big, sloppy kisses. 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information st bernard
St Bernard
Standard Poodle: In contrast to the toy and miniature poodle, the standard, or big, poodle is excellent with children. 
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information standard poodle
Standard Poodle
Vizsla: This lesser known breed is very active and loves to play. He is a great companion for your child.
Choosing Best Dogs For Kids Information vizsla
On the flip side, dog breeds known to often have trouble with children are:
AfghanAlaskan MalamuteBorder CollieCoonhoundCairn TerrierChihuahuaChow ChowDachshundGiant SchnauzerGreyhoundJack Russell TerrierMiniature PinscherMiniature or Toy PoodlePekingeseShetland SheepdogYorkshire Terrier

Kids will be Kids
Will the breed you choose be tollerant of that?
...most often bites are not a result of viciousness on the dogspart...

Choosing Best Dogs For Kids InformationNo less care should be taken when deciding on a dog.  You must take the time to look into grooming and exercise requirements, activity level, temperament, and trainability.  Particularly with kids in the house, you will need to find a dog that is patient and tolerant of annoyances.  No matter how well-behaved your children or grandchildren are, it is likely they will do something at some point to annoy the dog.  You must make sure that the dog will not lash out at them when this happens.  
The Humane Society of the United States estimates that 50% of all children will be bitten by a dog before the age of 12.  Most times, it is not a strange dog, but rather the familys own pet or a neighbors dog.  Surprisingly often, bites are not a result of maliciousness or viciousness on the dogs part.  You may think your dog would never, under any circumstances bite someone, but you must remember that dogs will be dogs, no matter how well trained they are.

Choosing Best Dogs For Kids InformationTo give an example, Kayla is a mixed breed dog that lives in a home with three developmentally disabled, very rambunctious boys.  There are also four other dogs in the home.  Although Kayla has at times raised her shackles towards the other dogs, she has never shown any signs of aggression to the boys or to other guests in the home.  One day, a babysitter came to the house, bringing along her 10-year old daughter.  The daughter sat down on the couch and snuggled with Kayla while eating a toaster pastry.  Kayla began licking crumbs from the girls lips, then without any warning, bit the girl, resulting in 10 stitches to her lip.  It is likely that Kayla thought the lip was part of the snack and was not acting maliciously, but the result was the same - the child will be permanently disfigured as the result of a dog bite.

Understand your dogs instict.

Choosing Best Dogs For Kids InformationMany dogs have a powerful predatory instinct.  Hunting is, after all, how their ancestors fed themselves.  How does the dog know the difference between a small animal (dinner!) running across the yard, and a small child running across the yard?  Dogs who are protective are not likely to be able to distinguish between the screams of play and screams of fear your child may use.  This doesnt just apply to small children.  Lady, a collie who had lived with Carol for 6 years, was outside during a snowball fight between several teenagers.  One of the boys tackled Carol, who was 16 at the time, and began "washing" her face in the snow.  When Carol screamed, Lady bounded over and bit the boy, trying to tear him away from Carol.  Was she being vicious?  Of course not; she was simply acting on instinct to protect her family.
Herding dogs make their living by nipping at the heels of animals to keep them in line.  It should not be surprising that they may nip at the heels of the children in the family.  Many dogs have even been known to help the parents discipline a child by herding the child into her room when she misbehaves!

Although you can never fully overcome a dogs instincts, you can work on obedience and socialization to curb his behavior and make it less likely he will bite.  If you get a puppy, that dog should be taken nearly everywhere you go for at least the first six m

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